

We, at Timber City Academy, believe that every child who enters our gates is unique and individual. As such, we take it our responsibility to develop every child into a whole, socially responsive person.

To achieve such lofty goal, Timber City Academy strives to provide a safe environment that is conducive to learning, where pupils and students are afforded the freedom to express themselves and develop into responsible global citizens. As future leaders and entrepreneurs, our students are imbued with the proper values and ethos that would prepare them to meet the challenges of college life and beyond.

We believe that, as an educational institution, it is our primary responsibility to equip our students with a holistic basic education that prepares them for their future careers and life. Thus, our curriculum is not only humanistic in its approach but technology-driven as well. We are committed to developing in our students a deep sense of love and respect for themselves, others, and the environment through a free and open sharing of ideas and a judicious approach to discipline. We ensure that when they leave the portals of Timber City Academy, they can profess to themselves and to the rest of the world that their stay at TCA was indeed productive and worth their while.